Building Gnarvana

Matt and Bogdan are the Gnarmads, a skateboarding duo from New York. In 2014, they set out on their bicycles across America. They lived off the grid and tapped into an underground network of skateboarders across the country. With local skaters, they built ramps and obstacles in the DIY spots that exist underneath America's highway overpasses, in derelict parking lots, inside inconspicuous warehouses, and even deep in the woods. They built a community of individuals bound not by geography but rather by a shared state of mind. In pedaling to California, they were building Gnarvana - a way of life, a utopian vision, a model for us all

Matt and Bogdan are the Gnarmads, a skateboarding duo from New York. In 2014, they set out on their bicycles across America. They lived off the grid and tapp...

Directed by: Zev Aaron